Chief Commissioner, NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee

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Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Closing date:
9am Monday 11th November 2024
Job Ref:

Recruitment timetable

Closing Date
9am Monday 11th November 2024
Dyddiad Cau
9am Dydd Llun 11 Tachwedd 2024
Preliminary Interviews (via Teams With GatenbySanderson)
TBC, expected w/c 18th November 2024
Cyfweliadau Rhagarweiniol (trwy Teams Gyda GatenbySanderson)
I’w gadarnhau, disgwylir tua 18 Tachwedd 2024
Final Selection Process
Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd November 2024
Proses Dethol Terfynol
Dydd Iau 21 a Dydd Gwener 22 Tachwedd 2024

Associated documents


We are looking for an exceptional leader to become the Chief Commissioner of the NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee (JCC). This is a unique opportunity to help shape the future of local and regional commissioned services for the population of Wales by sharing your talents and expertise and working in partnership to help transform the way in which we commission specialised services and make a positive difference to patients.


The JCC is a Joint Committee of the seven Welsh Health Boards, and acts collectively on their behalf to determine a long-term strategy for the commissioning of delegated services. We produce an Integrated Medium-Term Plan in accordance with Welsh Government guidance which describes how these services will be delivered on behalf of the HBs through clear ‘commissioning intentions’ which informs and compliments the HBs Integrated Medium-Term Plans .


The JCC was established on 1 April 2024 in response to the findings of an independent review commissioned by Welsh Government into the national commissioning arrangements undertaken by the former Emergency Ambulance Services Committee, the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee and the National Collaborative Commissioning Unit organisations. The JCC  assumed responsibility for the services previously commissioned by these committees and the NCCU, together with new responsibilities for the commissioning of the NHS Wales 111  service and the Sexual Assault Referral Centres for Wales. 


The JCC is Hosted by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board.  


Since its formation, the JCC has been led by an interim Chief Commissioner who has overseen its establishment and transition from three predecessor organisations. We are now seeking to make a substantive appointment to this role to continue this initial work and to provide strategic direction and oversight to ensure the delivery of high-quality healthcare services across Wales.


Our Vision is to:

  • Be the Centre of Excellence for Collaborative Commissioning


Our Mission is to:

  • Contribute to the improvement of health and care for people in Wales


We are seeking to appoint an inspirational, values-driven leader to become our new Chief Commissioner. This is a truly exciting role.  Complex and multi-faceted in scope with national responsibility and accountability, it is a role which extends beyond the “typical” portfolio of a Chief Executive to one which must work collaboratively and in partnership within a highly complex, political context to provide strong, visible leadership and a clear direction for the future of Joint Commissioning in NHS Wales. As Accountable Officer for the effective propriety and regularity of  the public finances  of the JCC commissioning budget (circa. £1.3b) and with overall accountability for performance and effectiveness of the Commissioning Directors and Teams delivering the JCC functions and approved commissioning plans, it is a role which will work with and on behalf of the seven health boards to develop the longer term strategy and strategic objectives for the JCC which in turn will deliver the positive impact required on the populations of Wales and the quality of services they receive.

Since the JCCs establishment on 1 April 2024 we have only just begun our journey of transforming the commissioning of specialised services for the population of NHS Wales – both structurally and culturally –as our new Chief Commissioner the successful candidate will lead us into a new era in building a sustainable, diverse, digital, forward-looking organisation that has a significant impact on its members and in turn for the population’s health.

We are seeking a Chief Commissioner who can work effectively with the Chair, as well as our Joint Committee and Lay Members, in ensuring an effective and well-governed organisation, but who can also inspire our continued growth and development, creating a commercially-successful enterprise that supports our vision, mission and objectives.

Candidates will need to bring experience of operating in the healthcare sector and be able to demonstrate a track record of success as a senior leader that has delivered both commercial growth and a reputation for service excellence, as well as the ability to develop effective working relationships both internally and externally. Essential too will be your commitment to building an inclusive organisation where everyone’s contribution is recognised and all feel welcome, demonstrating our commitment to fairness, gender equality and anti-racism.

We are seeking an individual able to demonstrate strategic capability and political acumen.  With a track record of providing leadership within similarly complex contexts, this is a role which requires extensive knowledge of NHS strategy, planning, commissioning and delivery; a track record of providing board level leadership and experience of operating across systems and organisational boundaries to deliver shared outcomes and goals. 


If you are committed to driving innovation and improvement and to working in a truly collaborative way to deliver services which meet the evolving needs of the Welsh population please visit to find out more.


For a confidential conversation please contact our recruitment partners at GatenbySanderson:

Steven Levin, Researcher


T: +44 (0) 7586 702578


Serena Dobson, Senior Consultant


T: +44 (0) 7530 627 120


Melanie Shearer, Partner


T: +44 (0) 7785 616 548




Rydym yn chwilio am arweinydd eithriadol i ddod yn Brif Gomisiynydd Cyd-bwyllgor Comisiynu GIG Cymru (CBC). Mae hwn yn gyfle unigryw i helpu i lunio dyfodol gwasanaethau a gomisiynir yn lleol a rhanbarthol ar gyfer poblogaeth Cymru drwy rannu eich doniau a’ch arbenigedd a gweithio mewn partneriaeth i helpu i drawsnewid y ffordd yr ydym yn comisiynu gwasanaethau arbenigol ac yn gwneud gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol i gleifion.


Mae'r CBC yn Gyd-bwyllgor o saith Bwrdd Iechyd Cymru, ac mae'n gweithredu ar y cyd ar eu rhan i bennu strategaeth hirdymor ar gyfer comisiynu gwasanaethau dirprwyedig. Rydym yn cynhyrchu Cynllun Tymor Canolig Integredig yn unol â chanllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n disgrifio sut y caiff y gwasanaethau hyn eu darparu ar ran y Byrddau Iechyd trwy 'cynlluniau comisiynu' clir sy'n llywio ac yn ategu Cynlluniau Tymor Canolig Integredig y Byrddau Iechyd.


Cafodd y CBC ei sefydlu ar 1 Ebrill 2024 mewn ymateb i ganfyddiadau adolygiad annibynnol a chafodd ei gomisiynu gan Lywodraeth Cymru i’r trefniadau comisiynu cenedlaethol a gynhaliwyd gan y cyn Pwyllgor Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Brys, Pwyllgor Gwasanaethau Iechyd Arbenigol Cymru a sefydliadau’r Uned Gomisiynu Gydweithredol Genedlaethol. Cymerodd y CBC gyfrifoldeb am y gwasanaethau a chafodd eu comisiynu yn flaenorol gan y pwyllgorau hyn a'r UGCC, ynghyd â chyfrifoldebau newydd am gomisiynu gwasanaeth 111 GIG Cymru a Chanolfannau Atgyfeirio Ymosodiadau Rhywiol Cymru. 


Mae’r CBC yn cael ei lletya gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg.   


Ers ei ffurfio, mae'r CBC wedi cael ei arwain gan Brif Gomisiynydd interim sydd wedi goruchwylio ei sefydlu a'i bontio o dri sefydliad rhagflaenol. Rydym nawr yn ceisio gwneud penodiad sylweddol i'r rôl hon i barhau â'r gwaith cychwynnol hwn ac i ddarparu cyfeiriad strategol a throsolwg i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau gofal iechyd o ansawdd uchel yn cael eu darparu ledled Cymru.


Ein Gweledigaeth yw:

  • Bod yn Ganolfan Ragoriaeth ar gyfer Comisiynu Cydweithredol


Ein Cenhadaeth yw:

  • Cyfrannu at wella iechyd a gofal i bobl yng Nghymru


Rydym am benodi arweinydd ysbrydoledig sy’n cael ei yrru gan werthoedd i fod yn Brif Gomisiynydd newydd i ni. Mae hon yn rôl gyffrous iawn.  Cymhleth ac amlochrog ei chwmpas gyda chyfrifoldeb ac atebolrwydd cenedlaethol, mae’n rôl sy’n ymestyn y tu hwnt i bortffolio “nodweddiadol” Prif Weithredwr i rôl sy’n gorfod gweithio ar y cyd ac mewn partneriaeth o fewn cyd-destun gwleidyddol hynod gymhleth i ddarparu arweiniad a chyfeiriad clir ar gyfer dyfodol Comisiynu ar y Cyd yn GIG Cymru. Fel Swyddog Atebol ar gyfer priodoldeb a rheoleidd-dra cyllid cyhoeddus cyllideb gomisiynu’r CBC (tua £1.3b) a gydag atebolrwydd cyffredinol am berfformiad ac effeithiolrwydd y Cyfarwyddwyr a’r Timau Comisiynu sy’n cyflawni swyddogaethau’r CBC a chynlluniau comisiynu cymeradwy, mae’n rôl a fydd yn gweithio gyda’r saith bwrdd iechyd ac ar eu rhan i ddatblygu’r strategaeth hirdymor a’r amcanion strategol ar gyfer y CBC a fydd yn eu tro yn sicrhau’r effaith gadarnhaol sydd ei hangen ar boblogaethau Cymru ac ansawdd y gwasanaethau rydyn nhw yn eu derbyn.

Ers sefydlu’r CBC ar 1 Ebrill 2024, dim ond nawr rydym wedi dechrau ar ein taith o drawsnewid y ffordd y caiff gwasanaethau arbenigol eu comisiynu ar gyfer poblogaeth GIG Cymru – yn strwythurol ac yn ddiwylliannol – yr ydym ni fel ein Prif Gomisiynydd newydd, bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn ein harwain i gyfnod newydd mewn adeiladu sefydliad cynaliadwy, amrywiol, digidol, blaengar sy’n cael effaith sylweddol ar ei aelodau ac yn ei dro ar gyfer iechyd y boblogaeth.

Rydym yn chwilio am Brif Gomisiynydd a all weithio’n effeithiol gyda’r Cadeirydd, yn ogystal â’n Cyd-bwyllgor a’n Haelodau Lleyg, i sicrhau sefydliad effeithiol a lywodraethir yn dda, ond a all hefyd ysbrydoli ein twf a’n datblygiad parhaus, gan greu sefydliad sy’n fenter fasnachol lwyddiannus sy'n cefnogi ein gweledigaeth, cenhadaeth ac amcanion.

Bydd angen i ymgeiswyr ddod â phrofiad o weithredu yn y sector gofal iechyd a gallu dangos hanes o lwyddiant fel uwch arweinydd sydd wedi sicrhau twf masnachol ac enw da am ragoriaeth gwasanaeth, yn ogystal â'r gallu i ddatblygu perthnasoedd gwaith effeithiol yn fewnol ac yn allanol. Yn hanfodol hefyd bydd eich ymrwymiad i adeiladu sefydliad cynhwysol lle mae cyfraniad pawb yn cael ei gydnabod a phawb yn teimlo bod croeso iddo, gan ddangos ein hymrwymiad i degwch, cydraddoldeb rhywedd a gwrth-hiliaeth.

Rydym yn chwilio am unigolyn sy'n gallu dangos gallu strategol a chraffter gwleidyddol.  Gyda hanes o ddarparu arweinyddiaeth o fewn cyd-destunau cymhleth tebyg, mae hon yn rôl sy'n gofyn am wybodaeth helaeth am strategaeth, cynllunio, comisiynu a chyflawni'r GIG; hanes o ddarparu arweinyddiaeth ar lefel bwrdd a phrofiad o weithredu ar draws systemau a ffiniau sefydliadol i gyflawni canlyniadau a nodau sy’n cael eu rhannu. 


Os ydych chi wedi ymrwymo i ysgogi arloesedd a gwelliant ac i weithio mewn ffordd wirioneddol gydweithredol i ddarparu gwasanaethau sy'n diwallu anghenion esblygol poblogaeth Cymru, ewch i i gael gwybod mwy o wybodaeth.


Am sgwrs gyfrinachol, cysylltwch â'n partneriaid recriwtio yn GatenbySanderson:

Steven Levin, Researcher


T: +44 (0) 7586 702578


Serena Dobson, Senior Consultant


T: +44 (0) 7530 627 120


Melanie Shearer, Partner


T: +44 (0) 7785 616 548


Dyddiad cau: Dydd Llun 11 Tachwedd





To view the job description and person specification, please scroll to the bottom of the page, tick to agree to the privacy policy, then click 'Continue to full details'.

How to Apply

  • Please submit an up to date copy of your CV, along with a Supporting Statement that addresses the criteria set out in the person specification, using examples to demonstrate how you meet the essential requirements.
  • A completed fit and proper person form – the template can be downloaded from the same place as the job description.
  • Detail any employment or education gaps.
  • You should provide the names, positions, organisations, and contact details for your referees, which must be your line managers and include your current and most recent employer. The referees should cover at least two roles as the minimum. Please note, should you be appointed, you will be required to provide references covering your last 6 years of employment as per the new NHS Fit and Proper Person regulations. Where there have been gaps in employment, this six year period will be extended accordingly. Referees will only be contacted for those proceeding to the final stage - we will always gain your permission before we contact referees.
  • Let us know any difficulty you may have with the indicative timetable.
  • Check that your contact details are correct before you submit.

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an automated email to confirm that you have applied. If you do not receive this email, please make contact with GatenbySanderson.




  • Cyflwynwch gopi diweddar o'ch CV, ynghyd â Datganiad Ategol sy'n mynd i'r afael â'r meini prawf a nodir yn y fanyleb person, gan ddefnyddio enghreifftiau i ddangos sut rydych yn bodloni'r gofynion hanfodol.
  • Ffurflen person addas a phriodol wedi’i chwblhau – gellir lawrlwytho’r templed o’r un lle â’r disgrifiad swydd. 
  • Rhowch fanylion unrhyw fylchau cyflogaeth neu addysg. 
  • Dylech ddarparu enwau, swyddi, sefydliadau, a manylion cyswllt ar gyfer eich canolwyr, a rhaid iddynt fod yn rheolwyr llinell i chi a chynnwys eich cyflogwr presennol a mwyaf diweddar. Dylai'r canolwyr gyflawni o leiaf dwy rôl fel isafswm. Sylwch, os cewch eich penodi, bydd angen i chi ddarparu tystlythyrau ar gyfer eich 6 blynedd ddiwethaf o gyflogaeth yn unol â rheoliadau Person Addas a Phriodol newydd y GIG. Lle bu bylchau mewn cyflogaeth, bydd y cyfnod chwe blynedd hwn yn cael ei ymestyn yn unol â hynny. Dim ond ar gyfer y rhai sy'n symud ymlaen i'r cam olaf y cysylltir â chanolwyr - byddwn bob amser yn cael eich caniatâd cyn i ni gysylltu â chanolwyr.
  • Rhowch wybod i ni am unrhyw anhawster y gallech ei gael gyda'r amserlen ddangosol. 
  • Gwiriwch fod eich manylion cyswllt yn gywir cyn i chi gyflwyno.

Unwaith y byddwch wedi cyflwyno eich cais, byddwch yn derbyn e-bost awtomataidd i gadarnhau eich bod wedi gwneud cais. Os na fyddwch yn derbyn yr e-bost hwn, cysylltwch â GatenbySanderson.

Continue to full details and application